Low tax

3631 days ago

Weekly Caption Contest: The Political Classes are Listening to you NOT! edition

In the wake of the drubbing of LibLabCon in the local and Euro Elections the political classes have taken a few days off from fiddling their expenses to insist that they are listening to us plebs. “Of course we are listening, we have stopped calling you racists, little Englanders, etc and have ALWAYS been concerned about Europe, immigration, etc.”

Yeah right… and you are also going to crack down on expenses fiddling too?

In that vein I ask that you suggest suitable captions for the picture below:

For what it is worth my entry, on a different tack, is:


3637 days ago

Weekly Caption Context – Low Tax & Gary Barlow Edition

I cannot remember the last time we ran a caption contest but it is time to get back into the old routine, if only to keep Jon Pickles happy.  As such this week we feature the man formally known as Saint Gary of Barlow, a man who could do no wrong but now known as a bit of a Jimmy carr on the tax avoiding front.

Mr Barlow is an enthusiastic member of Call Me Dave’s Conservative party in the mistaken belief that the spineless one was going to make the UK a low tax regime. I picture of the two men in happier times is your challenge.

Please post your entries in the comments section below by 9 AM Friday.

For what it is worth my entry is:
